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Command Line


ftpgrab [options]


$ ftpgrab --help
Usage: ftpgrab

Grab your files periodically from a remote FTP or SFTP server easily. More info:

  -h, --help                Show context-sensitive help.
      --config=STRING       FTPGrab configuration file ($CONFIG).
      --schedule=STRING     CRON expression format ($SCHEDULE).
      --log-level="info"    Set log level ($LOG_LEVEL).
      --log-json            Enable JSON logging output ($LOG_JSON).
      --log-timestamp       Adds the current local time as UNIX timestamp to the
                            logger context ($LOG_TIMESTAMP).
      --log-caller          Add file:line of the caller to log output
      --log-file=STRING     Add logging to a specific file ($LOG_FILE).

Environment variables

Following environment variables can be used in place:

Name Default Description
CONFIG FTPGrab configuration file
SCHEDULE CRON expression to schedule FTPGrab
LOG_LEVEL info Log level output
LOG_JSON false Enable JSON logging output
LOG_TIMESTAMP true Adds the current local time as UNIX timestamp to the logger context
LOG_CALLER false Enable to add file:line of the caller
LOG_FILE Add logging to a specific file

Last update: 2021-04-25 21:26:36
Created: 2020-07-07 20:06:09